" Viví en Sevilla durante 20 años, y los últimos 12 en una casa que había pertenecido a una mujer muy beata. Debo haber encontrado un centenar de estampas, figuras de yeso de santos, vírgenes y Cristos en los cajones, armarios y roperos, hice un collage con todas las estampas en la puerta de mi casa.
Así que, o me convertía en un (capillita) y pintaba arte sacro o tomaba otras direcciones. Creo que he tomado el camino del medio con colores pop y una interpretación diferente.
Por cierto, ¿tienes un cigarrillo?. "
" I lived in Seville for 20 years, and the last 12 years in a house that had belonged to a very pious woman. I must have found a hundred stamps, plaster figures of saints, virgins and Christs in the drawers, cupboards and closets, I made a collage of all the stamps on the front door of my house.
So either I became a (capillita) and painted sacred art or I would go in other directions.
I think I went the middle way with Pop colours and a different interpetation.
By the way, you have a cigarette? "
(Capillita) Said of a person: A person who lives with enthusiasm the activities organised by religious brotherhoods throughout the year and participates in them.